Backspin Tee Review – Detailed Overview, FAQs, & More

The backspin tee is an invention of the Moore brothers Jarett and Taylor Gardner. The backspin tee hangs the baseball in the air, and both baseball and softball players use the backspin tee. It has a design that changes the way a hitter sees the ball.

Benefits of Backspin Tee

As a hitter, the focus is on making line drives. Backspin tee improves swinging and accuracy in hitters. Training with a backspin tee helps a player see the optimum part to hit to achieve a line drive. It also helps with attaining maximum distance with every hit.

There are other benefits of training with a backspin tee. They include eliminating uppercutting and swinging down, understanding launch angles better, and getting immediate feedback about a swing.

The backspin tee has an inverted tee design. The design also helps the player focus on hitting the middle and bottom half of the ball. Hitting the top of the ball can force the ball to the ground while hitting the middle or bottom half creates a backspin that increases the distance moved by the ball.

The tee has no shaft under the ball, and this ensures that the ball releases on contact without tipping over the batting tee.

How to Set up a Backspin Tee?

Although the tee comes with assembly instructions, a minor setback involves putting the spring clamps on when setting up the tee. With time, players become accustomed to setting up the tee and can do it with ease.

Here is a video on how to set up a backspin tee;

Features of Backspin Tee

backspin tee

The U.S.A is the largest producer of durable backspin tees. They have a one-year warranty. There is also a 30-day money refund if the tee does not meet up to specification. The pro-lite model is also cheaper than the pro-heavy model.

There are different features of the backspin tee, and they include;

Portable and Lightweight

Backspin tees are portable, easy to set up, and can be dismantled and transported in a vehicle. Although portable, its design ensures sturdiness and strength.

Heavy-Base Steel Plate and Solid Frame

The design of the backspin tee is an inverted tee with a heavy base steel plate. This heavy base produces stability and firmness in the wind. The tee also stands upright when a player hits the ball. Another feature of the tee is its solid frame construction. This construction enhances its longevity.


It is designed for optimal performance and is adjustable to suit players’ heights.

Models of Backspin Tee

There are two models of a backspin tee, and they include the pro lite and pro heavy models. The two models have some similarities as well as differences.

Pro-Lite Model

  • This weighs about 6 pounds
  • The pro lite model has adjustable heights of 20, 28, 34, and 40 inches
  • This design is for amateurs and youthful players
  • There is an angle chart graphic on the base plate which shows proper launch angles for line drives

The video below shows the pro-lite model tee:

Pro Heavy Model

  • This weighs about 18 pounds
  • The pro lite model has infinite adjustable heights ranging from18 to 48 inches
  • This design is for pro players
  • There is an angle chart graphic on the base plate which shows proper launch angles for line drives

For more information on baseball training and how to improve skills, check out the following articles;

Best Baseball Training Aids and Swing Trainers

Best Baseball Swing Analyzer

Best Youth Baseball Bats


Precision and accuracy is an essential skill for a baseball batter. Using the backspin tee for training improves the players’ precision and accuracy.

It also helps players understand techniques for achieving perfect line drives and angles for swinging. Backspin tees are durable due to their material, and they are also portable and easy to set up.

Just like drills, practicing consistently with the backspin tee improves skills in players and helps them become masters at the game.

Let us know what you think about Backspin Tee in the comments below.

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  • Rob Hansen

    Rob Hansen was born in Manhatten, New York, and started playing softball during his youth. He loved baseball and attended baseball camps, and scored many home runs for his high school baseball team. Rob was interested in becoming a physical education teacher as he went to New York University and went for his New York Physical Education Teacher Certification. Not long after that, Rob became a physical education teacher at a high school, and he also went for training to become a baseball instructor. Rob is married with a daughter and a Doberman and enjoys camping and going to rock concerts.

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